Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Lover of All Things Good

In this period of struggle between adolescence and adulthood the question “Who are you?” is constantly being posed or implied, both by myself and by others. In a season of change, eloquently answering this question can prove to be a daunting task. When not over-analyzed by my sometimes critical self-evaluations, the answer is summarized in the overly simple phrase “I am a lover of good.”

I am a lover of God, who above all is good and faithful. He provides the good things that make my heart smile and my soul sing.

I am a lover of family. This includes not just the family into which I was born but also the family I have been blessed to choose through friendship. Family provides a community, a sharpening of one another, and warm embraces to share.

I am a lover of coffee and books and sun shiney days. I am a lover of cozy blankets and fragrant candles, of my puppy, and of yoga. I am a tea-drinking lover of sentimentality and laughter, of the warmth of the ocean and beauty of the mountains. I am a lover of travel, of beauty, and of explorations and adventures.

Though I am lover of all things good, I often forget the many reasons I have to choose joy. I become preoccupied with life’s little conundrums and let their trivialities consume my heart. I search my heart for a reason to sing yet countless reasons stand before me if I would simply open my eyes to glimpse their beautiful goodness.

I dedicate this blog to celebrating the good things in life. To continue in my identity as a lover of good I must remember the good things that bring my heart to life. Every day poses a new reason to sing even if it involves finding joy in the little things, such as a delicious brew of coffee or completing an assignment. My heart will find reasons to sing to God, who is always loving, always faithful, and most certainly always good. If I cannot rejoice in the Giver of good things then how can I rejoice in the gifts he pours into my life?

May this be the year of finding things to be passionate about and pursuing them, of having the courage to dream big, spreading kindness, loving with all my heart, facing the unknown with confidence, and rejoicing in the little things. Good things are in store for those who have eyes open wide to see them. 


  1. "Every day poses a new reason to sing"-- Let's here it!! :)

  2. This is wonderful!! Your theme, your prose, and the look and feel of the blog sound great. I look forward to reading your thoughts as you write and publish them..

  3. Nice blog Sara :) It was great to see you over Christmas. Natalie especially loved seeing you in person and catching up. You have blossomed into quite a lovely, mature, young lady. God bless!

  4. Sara, I can't wait to be a regular reader of your blog. You are an excellent writer and I am sure that mom is doing flips to hear you say that you enjoy writing now!
